Constipation is the infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels and affects millions of people worldwide. While there are a variety of reasons constipation can occur some more common explanations may include:
- weak or tight (or a combination of both) pelvic floor muscles and surrounding musculature,
- overuse of the pelvic floor muscles,
- weakness or ineffective use of abdominal musculature,
- medications that can cause hardening of the stool,
- diet low in fiber or inadequate fluid intake,
- poor toileting habits and straining, and
- stress.
- These are some of the common treatments for patients with constipation:
- Bowel massage and strategies to help assist and promote bowel movements effectively
- Pelvic floor down training
- Use of EMG and RUSI (rehabilitative ultrasound imaging) for assessing muscle resting tone
- Pelvic floor stretching, trigger point release techniques
- Diaphragmatic breathing techniques with a combination of assessing correct posture
- Lengthening and shortening contractions of pelvic floor with the correct strengthening program
- Self-meditation guidance
- Recommendations of fluid intake and fiber suggestions
Recommended daily water intake:
MEN – 3000ml
WOMEN – 2200ml
* For each hour spent exercising, add an additional 400-600 ml