Pain Free Sitting Posture

This video is for educational purposes only, and is a supplement to instructions from a licensed healthcare professional and not to be performed without proper supervision. Improper application of medical skills can result in injuries for which Midwest Physical Therapy Services is not liable. We recommend contacting Midwest Physical Therapy Services, for more information.

Pain Free Sitting Posture

Dr. Cheryl Wisinski, PT, DPT, WCS, (owner Midwest Physical Therapy Services) discusses proper sitting posture, why it is important for your spine health, and demonstrates the use of lumbar supports if needed. Slouching in your chair encourages your discs to protrude in the backwards direction (bulging disc) and increases back pain. This is often a sign of weakness of your core, or trunk muscles and hip joint tightness.
Click HERE to watch “Pain Free Sitting Posture”